Friday, November 20, 2009

Dear Sarah Palin and Harper Collins.....

Dear Sarah Palin and Harper Collins Publishing,

I just wanted to make sure that you are aware that "Going Rogue" has many many meanings according to Urban Dictionary.

1. The feminine version of "going commando"
2. A male that allows a transgendered man to penetrate his anus, yet still claims to be straight.
3. A euphemism for unprotected anal sex.
4. "Going Rogue" is slang for not wearing a tampon or pad during menstruation.
5. Refusing to use toilet paper

Now that you are both aware of the connection between Going Rogue and these risky behaviors, I am sure that you will pull all the copies of the book off the shelves because you have no concern for the $12 million dollars that you are expected to make off this "autobiographical memoir".

Thank you,

Joshua Taylor